World NGO Day, celebrated every year on 27 February, recognizes the contributions of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) around the world and celebrates. More than 89 countries across six countries of the world also celebrate the day at their levels.
what is ngo
The full form of an NGO is a “Non-Government Organization“, which is a non-government organization that provides free facilities to the poor, the government has no role in it. The main work of NGOs is to help the poor, housing for widowed women, and education to orphan children. NGO is a voluntary group in which anyone can donate or contribute.
2024 World NGO Day Theme
Every year across the world, a different theme is kept to represent this day. Like every year, this year too a different theme has been kept which is “Building a Sustainable Future: Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The role of NGOs has been laid down in This theme highlights the important role that NGOs play in solving global problems and working towards a more sustainable future. It shows how NGOs can contribute to achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Table of Contents
History of World NGO Day?
Every year on 27 February, for the first time in the world, NGO was declared in the year 2010 under the leadership of NGO Forum. After this, the United Nations General Assembly announced to celebrate it in the first week of February, but for the first time, International NGO Day was celebrated only on 27 February 2014. Went.
February 27, 2014, was a historic day for the worldwide NGO community. Today’s international calendar, now known as World NGO Day, was created internationally for the first time.
The Council of Europe’s International NGO Conference organizes a high-level meeting in Europe every year on the occasion of World NGO Day. The event brought together different stakeholders, including representatives of civil society, members of the Council of Europe, human rights experts, students, and members of the Council of Europe.
The Council of Europe Conference of International Non-Governmental Organizations is the body representing civil society in the Council of Europe and is a European organization founded in 1949. The Council of Europe also includes 47 member states with a population of approximately 800 million and has its Headquarters in Strasbourg, France.
Importance of NGO Day
The importance of this day is that all the NGOs across the world support their contribution and work, which they also consider a festival.
Also, they are motivated to help more people and assist in other work.
Friends, in today’s article we told you what is World NGO Day and also learned about its history, theme, and importance some questions are given below, that’s all in today’s article.
1. what is NGO?
Ans- Non-Government Organization is the full form of NGO.
2. What is the theme of NGO Day 2024
Ans- “Building a Sustainable Future: The Role of NGOs in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”